At Signature Productions, we believe in the power of community and the magic that unfolds behind the curtains. Our productions are brought to life not just by the actors on stage but by a dedicated team working tirelessly behind the scenes. If you have a passion for theatre, a knack for creativity, or skills that can help transform a vision into reality, we want you on our team!
Why Work with Us?
Working with Signature Productions offers you the chance to be part of a vibrant theatre community, work alongside experienced professionals, and contribute to the arts in a meaningful way. Whether you’re looking to gain experience, share your expertise, or simply be part of creating something wonderful, your involvement will be a valuable addition to our productions.
Opportunities Available:
We are looking for enthusiastic individuals to fill various roles, show by show. Whether you’re interested in hands-on work or creative design, there’s a place for you here. If interested in any of the placements below, please contact us.
Bring our sets to life with your carpentry and construction skills.
Bring your vision and expertise to the stage by crafting the movement and dance that will captivate our audiences.
Be part of the action behind the scenes, ensuring smooth scene changes and more.
Lead our cast and crew to bring our productions to the highest standard.
Share your musical talents by performing in our live orchestra or as part of our musical accompaniment.
How to Get Involved:
Ready to make a difference and have fun doing it? We’d love to hear from you! Send your resume or express your interest by contacting us at Let us know what area you’re interested in, and we’ll find the perfect fit for your talents.
Join us at Signature Productions and be part of creating unforgettable theatre experiences. Your journey behind the scenes starts now!
3640 N 5th St. Suite 100
North Las Vegas, NV 89032
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Signature Productions 2024. All Rights Reserved
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