Little Shop of Horrors | October 23rd - November 23rd

A Christmas Carol


LYRICS BY: Lynn Ahrens

MUSIC BY: Alan Menken

THE STORY: Ebenezer Scrooge is a prosperous curmudgeon who believes that personal wealth is far more valuable than the happiness and comfort of others. With an infuriated “Bah! Humbug!” Scrooge summates his feelings of Christmas tidings and charitable giving, but he’s forced to face his selfish ways when three ghosts on Christmas Eve lead him through his Past, Present and Future. Thanks to their guidance, Scrooge recognizes his faults and greets Christmas morning with a cheerful “Happy Christmas” before spending the day reconnecting and sharing love with those that mean the most to him.


A Christmas Carol is produced in partnership with the Broadway Stage Collective.

DIRECTOR: Jennifer Hemme, Broadway Stage Collective

​​​​MUSIC DIRECTOR: Shauna Oblad, Signature Productions

​​​​CHOREOGRAPHERS: Rachel DeBenedetto, Broadway Stage Collective

Audition Requirements and Information

Please prepare 16-32 bars of a song (approx. a minute of music) in the style of the show. Please bring sheet music, an accompanist will be provided.

Who are we looking for?

CASTING: Children, Teens, and Adults, age 8-70; all ethnicities.

NOTE: In reference to the character descriptions below –we will be considering all ethnicities, ages, and genders.

Scrooge: (Male – Age: 45 to 70) A man who lost his father to creditors as a kid and has grown up heeding his father’s advice to save his money. Until he realizes how terrible he’s become, he is grumpy, unsympathetic man and has no time for anyone or anything. Vocal range: A3 – G5

Mr. Cratchit: (Male – Age: 30 to 40) A father and husband who cares deeply for his family, particularly his youngest son. He works hard to provide for them but is mistreated by his employer, Scrooge. Vocal range: A3 – E5

Mrs. Cratchit: (Female – Age: 30 to 40) Tiny Tim’s mother and Mr. Cratchit’s wife. She is a loving mother who tries to provide the best for her children with what she’s got. Vocal range: A3 – E5

Tiny Tim: (Male – Age: 9 to 12) Mr. and Mrs. Cratchit’s youngest son. He is crippled and sick, but is the definition of loving Christmas spirit. He constantly reminds his family that as long as they all have each other, they will be happy. Vocal range: A3 – E5

Fred: (Male – Age: 25 to 35) Scrooge’s nephew and only living relative. He is a pleasant young man who believes in the good a joyful Christmas spirit can make in the world. Vocal range: A3 – F5

Ghost Of Christmas Present: (Male – Age: 35 to 45) A jovial, larger-than-life ghost who comes back to show Scrooge all the joy, love, and celebration he his missing out on while those around him celebrate Christmas. Actor doubles as Sandwichboard Man. Vocal range top: A3 – G5

Ghost Of Christmas Past: (Male – Age: 40 to 60) An ever cheerful, sprightly ghost who comes back with the history book of Scrooge’s past to show him the events that led to his current state. Actor doubles as Lamplighter. Vocal range: A3 – G5

Old Hag / Ghost Of Christmas Future: (Female – Age: 50 to 70) A beautiful, and terrifying wrath, the Ghost of Christmas Future is strong and silent as she shows Scrooge what will happen to him and those around him if he continue down the path he is currently treading. Vocal range top: A3 – G5

Marley: (Male – Age: 45 to 55) Scrooge’s former business partner who, before his death, was exactly like Scrooge. Comes back as a ghost in chains to warn Scrooge of how his life decisions will bind him in the afterlife. Vocal range top: A3 – A5

Emily: (Female – Age: 18 to 25) Scrooge’s fiancé from when they were young. She is a beautiful girl, not impressed or in need of money. Vocal range: A3 – B5

Mrs. Fezziwig: (Female – Age: 50 to 60) The consummate hostess and Mr. Fezziwig’s wife, she loved to help throw the Christmas party every year. She is prideful. Vocal range top: A3 – A5

Mr. Fezziwig: (Male – Age: 55 to 65) A portly, jolly man who used to throw a huge Christmas party every year for the community. He was Scrooge’s first boss and after teaching him all he knew, he became deeply disappointed in the man Scrooge became. Vocal range top: A3 – B5

Ensemble: Charity Elves; Bankers; Street Vendors; Sailors; Ghosts; Jailers; Clerks; Monks; Street Urchins – Expressive, grounded, and vibrant singer/dancers with the ability to play multiple characters. Vocal range: G2 – E5

Scrooge’s Mother

Young Scrooge


Puppeteers: Ghost Of Christmas Future/Want/Ignorance – Puppeteer doubles for all puppets. Non-singing role

How to apply?

Prototype crowdfunding startup ownership gen-z influencer. Innovator gamification ecosystem early adopters freemium business-to-business supply chain seed money. Product management seed round stealth traction series a financing iteration.

Rehearsal Details:

Begin September 23, 2024 

Audition & Rehearsal Location:

3640 N 5th St #100

North Las Vegas, NV 89032

Performance Dates:

November 29 – December 22, 2024

Performance Location:

Summerlin Library and Performing Arts Center – 1771 Inner Cir Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89134

Boulder City Performing Arts Center – 1101 5th St, Boulder City, NV 89005